
My research lies in the nexus of mathematics, computer science, physics, biology, and chemistry by applying quantum mechanics and software development to study the impact of chemical environment on tuning non-covalent interactions and molecular properties in molecular recognition within cells.

Interests Current Projects Collaborations


I believe the most effective teacher is the self. Therefore, I attempt to create an active learning environment where I encourage each student to learn how to learn, instead of learning only how to get a good grade.

Philosophy Education & Experience Courses & Workshops

Software Development

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Featured Publications

Below are highlighted several publications which together provide an overview of the type of research projects with which I have been involved. For a full listing of my publications and presentations, hit "Browse Vitae" below.

Tipping the Balance between S-π and O-π Interactions

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 13301 (2018)

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Psi4NumPy: An Interactive Quantum Chemistry Programming Environment for Reference Implementations and Rapid Development

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Assessment of Density Functional Methods for Geometry Optimizations of Bimolecular van der Waals Complexes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing vehicula id nulla dignissim dapibus ultrices.

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Comparison of Explicitly Correlated Methods for Computing High-Accuracy Benchmark Energies for Noncovalent Interactions

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